Observation of the fauna and flora in "La Vallée des Belleville"


You chose the fresh air of the mountains for this summer? Discover the pleasure of mountain walks. Because yes, coming to the mountains in the summer is also about taking an interest in your environment. Saint-Martin-de-Belleville Réservation proposes half-day guided walks to discover the alpine fauna and flora
  •  - © Yann Allegre

Chamois observation 

Chamois can be difficult to spot, thanks to the long views at your disposal, your guide will help you find them. He will also explain their way of life, their characteristics, etc. 

A perfect walk for a family outing because this activity does not require any particular physical condition. The observation site is accessible by car. 

BONUS ➕ : tasting at the nearby refuge at the end of the morning based on local products.
Book the guided walk 
ℹ Young children and baby carriers accepted.


Observation of the alpine flora

Do you want to discover the specificities of the typical mountain species? This half-day walk, supervised by mountain guides, is made for you!

Saint-Martin-de-Belleville is rich in an exceptional cultural and natural heritage. Connect with your senses by discovering the emblematic plants and animals that inhabit our mountains. 

A nature outing adapted to families, which is more widely addressed to all the curious :)

Observe the fauna and flora of the Alps
ℹ Accessible from 6 years old.

  •  - © Vincent Lottenberg
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